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Great reviews from Slow Wine 2021
10 Oktober 2020Awards from SLOW WINE 2021 guide: – TOP WINE – SLOW WINE at RECIOTO LA ROGGIA 2017 for the...

WOW! Gold Medal from Civiltà del Bere to Valpolicella Ripasso 2018
1 Oktober 2020Civiltà del Bere rewards our Valpolicella Ripasso 2018 for quality and typicality and gives it the WOW Gold Medal! It...

Three glasses from Gambero Rosso 2021 guide to Amarone Sant’Urbano 2016
1 Oktober 2020The Gambero Rosso guide I Vini d’Italia 2021 gives the maximum review of Three Glasses to Amarone classico Sant’Urbano...

Tasting of Recioto La Roggia in Il Messaggero
4 September 2020In the „In Vino Veritas“ section of Il Messaggero newspaper, Franco Maria Ricci of Bibenda, taste our „very pleasant“...

Summer holidays
28 Juli 2020We will be closed from August 10th to 16th. The other weeks of August we will welcome you with...

Marisa Finetti – Amarone: The taste of time and love
1 Juli 2020„Amarone is the product of love and devotion that is distinctively Veronese and inherently Italian“ says Marisa Finetti. She...

We are open
5 Juni 2020Our wine shop is open: we are looking forward to welcome you with a big smile.. and a glass...

The ABC of Amarone on La Cucina Italiana
5 Mai 2020Amarone della Valpolicella: how it is born, how it is combined, which are the best labels. You can read...

Luca Speri’s interview by norvegian VinPuls
6 April 2020The Norwegian magazine VinPuls interviews Luca Speri, with other producers, about the coronavirus emergency: wineshop are closed, but in...

Speri’s Amarone Sant’Urbano in the Top 100 Red wines list of Gentleman
5 Februar 2020Speri’s Amarone Sant’Urbano 2015 is 11th in the Top 100 Red wines list of Gentleman, first Amarone and first...

Bruno Barbieri’s interview on Abitare Verona
22 Januar 2020Bruno Barbieri in this interview with Abitare Verona reminds our family with affection. Enjoy it! Read the article Download...

Merry Christmas
19 Dezember 2019Merry Christmas and happy New Year! On december 24 and 31 we are open only in the morning (8.30-12.00)...